Boston Fitness Fund
Meet the Team
Max Barsamian
CEO and Co-Founder
Max was raised in Weston, MA, where athletics and fitness played a vital part of his upbringing. He believes that everyone deserves the same opportunity to participate in or follow their interests from an early age. Eventually, Max went on to play baseball at Trinity College where he was involved in community service for the city of Hartford, CT. Today, Max lives in South Boston and works in finance. In his free time, Max enjoys the simple pleasure of hanging out with his friends, family and dogs.
Sean Sperzel
President and Co-Founder
Sean was raised in Foxboro, MA, where he grew up playing numerous sports and following Boston professional sports teams. He hopes to play a role in democratizing participation in youth sports and other wellness programs. Sean went on to play collegiate lacrosse and has been involved in coaching youth teams, while also being involved in charitable organizations through long distance running. Today, Sean lives in the Boston area and works in Finance. In his free time, Sean enjoys spending time with family and friends.